Tuesday, February 11, 2014


this is not Unreal....unfortunately its very believeable.

it applies to all sports franchises, but this current example is from the NY Jets.

The Jets have announced a reduction in ticket prices for the upper bowl seats ...Bravo ?
Oh , and an increase for the lower bowl....so what?

well lets examine....the upper bowl tickets were already dropped to $50.00 face last year, compared to $85.00 for the Giants....how cheap are they going to be this year ?  boy these Jets are Good to their Fans...

not so fast.....the upper bowl does not come with a PSL, hence those folks are under no contractual obligation to purchase tickets or renew their season tickets....in other words they can walk away from a lousy team without taking a financial hit.........so the Jets will play a game of "how low can you go" to keep those suckers on the line for tickets.

the lower bowl ?     you geussed it....they Have PSLs......$5,000.00 a pop or more.......if the JETS raise single seat prices to $900.00 those folks have to swallow their pride, dig deep and pony up the cash or geuss what ???? they loose the right to buy season tickets....in other words they default on their pSL, and the JETS keep their $5,000 per seat PSL.......so if you have 4 seats on the 20 yeard line downstairs , you either pay the increase on rtickets or forfeit you 20K.......yes, you can sell that PSL to another sucker, but nobody is paying 20K for the right to buy tickets that go UP in price every year.

THIS IS EXTORTION....plain and simple.


Anonymous said...


alvarez said...

not to worry, I sent this blog to the petty dictator, coward in chief, obummer will fix this soon...relax, have a homebrew, and prepare for sweater nite...