Thursday, November 13, 2014

TURKEY....our NATO ally

well it should come as no surprise to anyone who reads this blog , what happened yesterday in Turkey ( 3 US Sailors on shore leave in civilian clothes attacked by a MOB of anti-american sentiment). I have been railing against Turkey and Erdogan for the past 3 or 4 years....they are moslem skum....they hate Isreal and the United States, the repeatedly refuse to allow US and Allied airplanes to use their airspace, they aid and support hammas, al Queda and other enemies of the United States.....all under the protection of NATO........and just what do you think the commander and Chief is going to do about it ?

I tell you this.......we may have been killed for our efforts.....but if Myself, Eric Lynch, Ray Smalls, Louie Lopez, Ray Dixon, Aric Henderson, Joe Dupuee, Sean Eelle and any of our brothers on the USS LUCE DDG-38 had been attacked like that , we would have died fighting right there on the street .....and those faggot student union camel fuckling arab homos would have needed reinforcement and guns to kill us....we werent the toughest guys in the armed forces....but we never backed away from anything, and we always took the oppurtunity to punch some cocksuckver in the face that despaerately needed that beaten.......Pride, Power, of beer, a few shots of whiskey, a strip club and a Brawl....thats all we ever wanted out our Shore's Navy could learn a lesson from the mental patients that wore those dungaree uniforms in the 80's.....

lets see if the democrats that should be fearing for their political lives have anything to say after this spoon stops deportations.

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