Monday, February 09, 2015

American Sniper

I love my country and I served my country, but what Chris Kyle did goes beyond honor, duty and love. I don't care who you are , it is human nature to say after a harrowing life or death tour in a foreign country, that I am done.....I did my part , its someone else's time.....but go back.....and back a third time, AND BACK A 4TH time.......only he can explain is cheap, coach Coughlin is right.....the commitment Chris Kyle felt towards his colleagues goes beyond words......if you haven't seen the movie, please do owe it yourself as an American to feel good for a few hours, to be happy, sad and scared....all at the same time....... It sure says a lot about a person when strangers line the highway to see your coffin go by in a Hearst.

I won't touch on the controversy's surrounding this movie, the loathsome self hating liberals do not deserve to be mentioned by name in the same story as this  great American Hero...........see the movie..... And decide for yourself.

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