Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Why stay in College ? Why go to night school ?

David Byrne asked some fair questions nearly 40 years ago.....They remain unanswered for different reasons today....What is college I wonder...It's certainly not what it was when I was graduating high school...Why must EVERYONE go to college or be considered a failure/ dissapointment ? Is it anything more than 4 years of boozing , sexual exploration, incurring of debt that would make the greatest generation nauseous, all while be lectured that America is bad, White people are bad, and white males are the fucking devil....4 years of trying to befriend a transgendered Muslim with HIV to convince yourself you are tolerant ? Gov Cuomo and Bernie think that college should be free....But they aren't going to ask the faculty to volunteer to teach for free or take a pay cut....No....When they say free they mean other, Older taxpayers should pay for it.....And Bernie has the nerve to say that America is NOT a compassionate nation.....How soon before these college grads refuse to pay back their student loans ? And then blame the big bad evil banks for giving them loans in the first place ?....Oops , sorry.....That's what occupy Wall Street was all about....That and smoking weed and sexually assaulting each other in Zuccotti park......Oh mister Byrne was right.....Burnt all my notebooks, what good are notebooks...I ain't got time for that now !

1 comment:

alvarez said...

when do gilligans islanders playoff games start?