Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Never robbed any churches

Or cut off any babies heads.....he just took the folks in high places, and shined a light in their beds ( Dylan)........ that interesting Dylan lyric was about Lenny Bruce....the original bad boy comedian who faced public vulgarity charges in the early 60's.....Dylan, Ginsberg,Mailer etc all came to his defense......he's long gone, but surprisingly back in the news.....Brandeis University recently reversed course and decided not to allow a new play based on Bruce to be performed at the school because it was written by a white male and they felt it mocked the political correctness movement in general and the left censhorship of conservative voices specifically.....no shit... even I can't make this up....so Lenny Bruce who was known for telling the truth...no matter how brutal...is deemed to controversial to the student left..the student activist said of the award winning playwright Michael Weller...." As a white male, it's not his place to stir the pot "......."Lenny Bruce is dead... he was the Brother that you never had"....Nobel prize winning lyrics.

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