Tuesday, January 23, 2018

the continous demise of the nfl

in case you missed it.....a U.S. Veterans group applied to take out a full page ad in this years super bowl program....the ad displayed an honor guard with fill colors and a simple caption......#Pleasestand.....at the bottom of the ad was a request for donations to veterans support groups......the nfl said NO FUCKING WAY and rejected the ad...their reason ?? they did not want the super bowl program to become a platform for political statements......I swear to God that was their official response.......so in case you keeping score at home.....the Miscreant, Slobs and Thugs that play in this league can use the National Anthem and a national tv audience as their platform to disrespect this country and our Police Forces' , but a Group of Veterans cannot take out an AD in a program asking/urging the fans in attendance to do what their fucking parents should have already taught them.....STAND for the ANTHEM.....as the ratings continue to dive off a cliff, you really don't have to look too far to find a reason....#boycottthenfl

1 comment:

alvarez said...

let's just hope...and pray...the eagles lose by 40 points...