Thursday, November 28, 2019

as we gazed out on

Saint Dominic's Preview...….( Van Morrison).

as the years do collide in the conscious and the subconscious I find it interesting how events that seemed borderline insignificant as they occurred, actually seered deep into the brain and resurface over and over...…….as I stand at my computer and drink a cold beeeer….and I watch Detroit and Chicago battle it out in the annual Turkeish bowl......I first think of all the United States Military separated from their families on this day...….what's left unsaid on TV when they talk about those deployed, is that even if you aren't deployed...even if your ship is stateside...sitting in port in a tiny town like Mayport Florida...there is a duty section...….and half of that ship has to remain on the ship....ever ready....prepared for anything....even though their families may be carving that turkey a few miles off base.....someone has to be on duty every single fucking day of the yes...pray for the guys and gals on the front lines around the globe....but let me tell …sometimes it is easier to be are mentally prepared well in advance, and you know you won't be home...and its so far away you even wonder if it's really happening at all....and there is nothing sadder than spending a holiday stuck on a ship...or a base.....on American soil......unable to leave......while the whole country revels in jocularity and enjoy the nectar that the Gods have been so good to share with us....and you ? you are stuck with 100 miserable fuckers who all Hate the world on this or any given day......I vividly remember being so angry that the Mess crew even served turkey on Thanksgiving...I wished they would just let that Thursday pass without any reminder...……..and I always come back to my one Thanksgiving on the Footprint of Freedom.....Diego Garcia ( me and Danny Woods served our Country on that Rock in the Indian Ocean)….and oh how I remember drinking everything under the sun in the 100 degree Listening to Van Morrison  "Saint Dominic Preview over and over.....the whole CD blarring from the balcony of the Barracks.....and all os uf…..united in our loneliness...but UNITED...….and we were 5 or 6 thousand miles from the Continental United States....we were deployed on that island....and it was easier than the 3 miserable Thanksgivings I spent on that ship.....I being single always volunteered to work Thanksgiving so a married guy could be with his wife and kids.....but it was torture...…...I am comimg up on 55 years on this planet.....but those 3 or 4 years I spent working for my Uncle Sam were the most influential days I have ever least me brain says so...……….and as Van would say '''And we sailed , all around the world....and we sailed...looking for a brand new start....Ohhhhhh...listen to the Lion"

God Bless President Trump......God Bless the USA.


Anonymous said...

A little off in your calculation on how far away Diego Garcia is - not 5 or 6 thousand miles but 9300 miles from New York (,NY,USA). However, thank you for your sacrifice and service. Now go have a drink of the Jack!

Gato del Sol said...

It was only 6,000 miles away in the 1980’’s an island so it must be floating further away.

alvarez said...

maybe the big tsunami moved it?

also, the limp wristed kenyan muslim who wears mom jeans DOD claims it didn't exist...ya know, like spying on maga...