Monday, December 02, 2019

lord i'd see you

one more time again (j.taylor)

it's possible that no sadder lyric exists ……..James Taylor in Fire n Rain conveys what certainly we all have felt at one time or another....or multiple times.... that you always think there will be one more time too see each other and explain, or confess or make peace....but life...or more accurately Death...has other intentions...…..i'm grateful for the times that I understood the moment and God forbid made my feelings known...…...and i'm distraught for the times I did never know...or rarely know...when is the last time you will see a Friend, or even a Spouse or Sibling...….no need to be a Mush....just give them a hearty handshake,,,,or a Hug.....or a kiss for members of the opposite sex. ……...time can be the enemy....much to my surprise as we round the corner and see ,
that life has not just begun but nears the end , and leaves are falling from the tree, the brown , orange and red......they fall to the ground.....they are dead...…...

1 comment:

alvarez said...

...Such a long long time to be gone
and a short time to be there...