Tuesday, January 28, 2020

just the facts mam

in 2003 a 19 year old white female accused kobe Bryant of rape.
kobe said it was consensual.
the girl went to the police and they performed a rape kit....her bruising and injuries were NOT consistent with consensual sex.
she had been choked and had bruising on her cheekbones.
Kobe bought her silence and she refused to testify.
as part of the settlement he had to apologize.
he issued a statement that painted himself as the victim of poor judgement...…..black privilege ?

on sunday while the mainstream media was canonizing the smoldering kobe, a Washington Post female reporter tweeted stories from 2003 rape accusation/settlement.
on Monday that reporter was suspended for poor judgement.
she had not made a statement , she merely retweeted stories that had appeared in national newspapers 17 years earlier.

the empire state building was bathed in purple and gold lights honoring kobe.
the empire state building is infamous for refusing to bath it's iconic spire with Carolina blue in honor of Mother Theresa on her passing......hmmm.

just the facts.......until it becomes illegal to speak the truth in the light of the day.


alvarez said...

we are only one election away from speaking the truth...just in case, I suggest buying more ammo.

alvarez said...

in fact, one wrong election, and sn blog will be on the list of communication to be shut down...probably already on the list today, they are just waiting for the chance...I bet they are out searching for CHRIS!!!!!!!