Saturday, April 18, 2020

Fun facts to raise your blood pressure

Under the ridiculous CARES Act.......Hedge funds can and have applied for Loans ( under the definition of a small business) and online Gamblers in Nevada can classify themselves as self employed independent contractors and file for unemployment.....not a joke.

1 comment:

alvarez said...

my blood pressure already raised in 1988 after the gipper left...every fucking one of them is a deep state scum...they are all dishonest...this bailout written by lobbyists who control every single congressperson...thats the real reason they hate maga...he is a threat to their gravy train...they have been ripping off taxpayers forever.

He's an outsider, trying to drain the swamp, they are convinced they can beat him...or outlast him.

What about the new revelations this week about the FIB - they knew it was fake from the very start - the entire mueller charade was collusuion except by hiLIARy...none...yet for three years they tried to force him out.

Wake the fuck up, buy some ammo, and lets roll...lets do this today, as we all know...

...listen my children and you shall hear, of the midnite ride of Paul Revere...


in seventy five...

It is time to start shooting, or the country will be gone.