Friday, April 17, 2020

silver linings

it's not always easy to find some good news in the midst of a global pandemic , but let's what we can do on this day 35 of quasi isolation.

  • "it's like that song about the twelve days of Christmas, without the stupid pear tree and all those birds" that was how Steve McEvoy described the unintended benefit of FREE golf at the abandoned Dyker beach Golf Course...…"there was no backup on the 10th tee box and there's always a backup on 10 ! , and they don't even chase you off during the week, just hop one fence and your good to go".....that was until the NY Post did their exclusive expose about scofflaws playing free golf...….ah , but we are staying positive this Friday so let's focus on the long suffering golf playing public of South Brooklyn enjoying a months worth of Fast, Cheap , worry free golf...and did I mention it was FREE.

  •  Recipe Exchange: I participated in a recipe exchange yesterday and after much trepidation decided to share my secret recipe for Peace, Love and's a recipe that has been shared for generations on the shores of bayridge, The Schoolyards and 76th street stairs all the way to the Promenade at Riis Park and Breezy Point....enjoy

  • Step 1 ) place 30 to 60 cans of beer in an ordinary cooler 

    Step 2) place two bags of Thomas Ice ( or equivalent) on top of the beer

    Step 3 ) turn on the Grateful Dead channel 23 on Sirius ( very loud)

    Step 4) allow beer to sit in melting ice for a spell

    Step 5 ). Drink an ice cold beer.

    Step  6-60) repeat step 5. 

  • marks 3 weeks of shutdown at the new Belmont arena construction site. As previously reported the arena "live cam"  depicts at least 5 Tee Pees on he grounds , as a small tribe of Shinnecock Indians have relocated to the site and claimed the land for their ancestors, the builders for the site Sterling Equities ( aka Jeff Wilponzi and the Metropolitan baseball team) are seriously considering filing for bankruptcy to take advantage of Federal Bailouts. This coupled with the loss of revenue for the last month of the season has pushed the hockey club to their own precipice of Chapter 11....we did reach out to John Ledecky for comment last night but it was the busy time for the Local Chicken Delight where he picked up a few shifts making deliveries and he was out on a run and could not be reached...…and as hockey withers and dies on the vine  our Commander in Chief has vowed to get Baseball back on the the President said and i qoute " I'm tired of watching Baseball games from 14 years ago" us too Mister too.  


Unknown said...

i'm at step 8, and having trouble remembering what I wanted to say...

I can't believe someone would include you on a recipe chain...they forgot the diva of dining fiasco from 10 years ago?

I think I'll make myself a fluffernutter...and another coors light, please...remember what mojo said...the future's uncertain, and the end is always near...

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to take a drink of the Jack!