Sunday, August 23, 2020

so forget about your yesterday's of sorrow

And forget about the darkness you have seen (j.garcia)

it takes a lot to stun me in this year 2020....but lo and behold FDNY Fire Commissioner Nigro has done just that.....he has "URGED" firemen to SKIP 9/11 commemoration events this year.

let that sink in.......seriously....take a deep breath........we have not even reached the 20th anniversary yet and not only has the general public began to forget, downplay, rationalize or ignore what happened that day....but NOW.....the FDNY Commissioner is brushing this 'unfortunate event" under the rug.........first they tried to eliminate the reading of the names....then they tried to cancel the Tribute in Light.......and now the commish is telling firemen to skip the whole thing .......i seriously wonder what the fuck is wrong with this the hell do so many self loathing pieces of shit rise to position of leadership.

I hope the entire Fire Department ignores this guidance ....and i hope this winter his Snow Shoveling Detail calls in sick during the first snowstorm.

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