Monday, November 09, 2020

when the truth is found

 to be lies.......and all the joy within you...dies (Darby Slick)

i'm going to check my emotions at the door , unlike the greatest female rock n roll singer of our time...Miss Grace Slick.. This  lection will and should be contested all the way to the supreme court...if for no other reason to ensure this ugly history does not repeat itself.....and regardless of the outcome the most important thing is that the mainstream media reports fairly on the facts of these lawsuits.

We may not move on from this election as a unified country....but I can guarantee you that we WILL NOT move on from this if the Presidents contesting of the results is brushed under the rug and portrayed as sour grapes. The facts are evident that this was not a fair and equal election . 

NBA arenas in the heavily Democratic inner cities were converted to polling places while citizens that did not live in these districts were not afforded the same opportunities to vote in person. ( imagine the reaction if the election came down to North Carolina...and the NASCAR tracks were used as polling stations for 3 day rally and party for Rebel flag waving Trump Supporters) 

The rules of this election varied from state to state, with Democratic Governors using China Flu as an excuse to rewrite election law. Case in point New Jersey deciding to mail out unsolicited ballots to everyone in the state.....dead , alive, moved to fla ?  doesnt matter.

NY and other states TOLD their citizens to VOTE TWICE and they would ensure the ballot was only counted once . ( i voted in the primary and signed my absentee ballot Mickey Mouse , just to see if it was questioned , it was not ) We are fairly certain that if they barely could count all the ballots by week end that there was ZERO certification to the voter roles, or signature verification being done.

States decided to offer early voting and to accept ballots for up to one week after election day .

We now know Dead people registered to vote in PA after their untimely demise.

We also know that Biden won nearly 100% of the late mail in ballots in battleground states.( statistically impossible)

We now know computer software used in several battleground states flipped votes from one candidate to the other.

i could go on all afternoon, but it would be pointless.

All of these statements above must be discussed in an open courtroom and reported by all of the MSM media. We know the swamp is deep and the FBI, CIA and other agencies have a very real stake in the outcome. If Trump wins it is very possible some of them will face indictments for past discretions and their agencies once and for all will be gutted....they therefore  CANNOT be Judge and Jury on this one.

This has to be taken seriously and impartially decided......if Not.....well, a house divided cannot , ahh , umm , you know the thing.

 When the garden flowers, baby are dead, yes and

Your mind, your mind is so full of red

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