Wednesday, May 05, 2021

10 years went fast

 in what would later become known as the Cinco De Mayo Massacre.......Me, Donn and Brian Duffy would emerge virtually unscathed from a twisted pile of steel and glass on the onramp to the Grand Central Parkway......Donnie took the brunt of the impact, sitting upfront as our driver collided Head on with another vehicle doing 50 mph.........Duff and I in the back seat were thrown face first into the plastic partition......after emerging from the vehicle i thought i had suffered a concussion and blurred vision......until we realized that my eyeglasses had been thrown from my face and were still in the wreckage.....Donnie retrieved them and there was a great celebration when i put them on and could see again.....Duff had a split lip and a gash on his leg, and when the FDNY showed up they tried to first persuade us to go to the Hospital...we said's Cinco de Mayo.....they then tried to separate Duff from the 2 maniacs he was with and drive him back to the Firehouse....he said NO...... we hailed another cab we heard that they needed the JAWS of Life to get our driver out of the car.......a short time later we found ourselves in midtown Manhattan , definitely dazed and confused.we went into a bar and were immediately seperated from each other.........i walked to Penn Station and remember going to Taco Bell for a few burrittos and and a few bottles of Corona for the train home.....Duff managed to find a Bus to take him home to Staten Island......and Donnie stayed in a bar in Midtown by himself for a few more hours......he called me on my cell as my train was approaching Redbank to ask me where i was.......a good 2 hours since i had last seen him.....he thought i was still in the bar.......earlier in the Day we watched the Mets beat the Giants from the Pepsi Porch......Dano, Kevin Carney, Pat Garry and maybe Jimmy Holland were there....but everyone else took either the LIRR or 7 Train back to NYC....we HAD to go to Mcfaddens for a few cold ones and then hailed a town car that was outside for a quick $20 ride to midtown....or so we thought........the next few days were a true blurr......Donn and i watched the Derby in my yard and we both were still out of it......I went to Dr Mulholland on Monday ad he confirmed my concussion....he asked me when the accident occured and i said with a straight face ( not trying to be funny ) "Cinco de Mayo"......he wasn't amused and checked his calender.......on Wedsnesday Donn went to Dr Mulholland and told a similar tale of a car accident....when asked when the accident occured donn said without hesitation. " Cinco De Mayo"........i don't think Mulholland has been the same since....This was all on May 5th 2011.


alvarez said...

Just one more of many thousands of reasons to drink...

Anonymous said...

Concussion couldn't have been too bad - you remember!!! Have another drink of the jack...

alvarez said...

Hey Chreeeeese?

I drink...a little bit...of the Jack Daniels – pleeeeezee.

Long Live Alvarez!!!!!!!

passed thru panama city the other day...could not locate Alvarez...but I'm not giving up...after I buy more ammo...