Wednesday, April 13, 2022

downtown there's another disaster

 Pig’s head and a loaded gun

Day by day things are going faster

Get off the street the killing’s begun   ( Brewer & Shipley)

as i sat at my computer yesterday and watched the horror unfold at 36th street and 4th ave in my beloved Brooklyn....i couldn't help but think about the classic Brewer & Shipley song above......and before the blood dried on the platform the police rushed to put out a statement declaring this was NOT terrorism....without a suspect identified they were still ready to declare this was NOT terrorism.....why?

Because terrorism has lost it's now apparently only defines attacks by Arabs against everyone else...and the media and Police are so concerned about these poor sandjigs that they rush to denounce terror ties for fear of upsetting our moslem inhabitants. the attack yesterday was terrorism, the victims did not know their attacker, were randomly selected and were most absolutely terrorized and traumatized by the events.....but society today is more concerned with the criminals than they are with the victims. 

case in point.....a 16 year old hispanic girl was shot and killed by a stray bullet on her way home from school friday in the Bronx.......Toni Yates of ABC news on saturday morning went to great lengths to tell us the shooter had NEVER been in trouble before ( tell that to the corpse ) and now he was facing murder and his live was over........seriously ?  why don't you interview the grieving Mother and see if she cares about the piece of shit that got high and murdered her daughter ?

dementia joe can give a million speeches about ghost guns and kathy hocul can stand on 36th street and say "this stops now" blah blah blah......we do not need new laws.....we need to enforce existing laws and send the criminals away for a long time....we need to prisons to be switched from modified country clubs to a place that nobody wants to visit....let alone be incarcerated for any length of time....we need to stop defending and excusing the criminals and start standing up for the sounds o simple, how did we loose our way ?

i hope when they catch the miscreant , that they keep him alive.....i want to hear what he has to say....and i want to see how they spin it.

Downtown it’s the first and last chapter

Ape man tearing limbs from the trees


alvarez said...

should we check the camera's...what?...oh...

alvarez said...

all you need to know..."was known to the FIB"