Sunday, June 26, 2022

I thought i heard a baby cry this morning

 I thought i heard a baby cry today (Bonnie Dobson / Tim Rose)

I must admit when i turned on the TV and saw widespread rioting and protests, i just assumed that the Canucks or Maple Leafs had lost another game 7......but's outrage was in reaction to the Supreme court ruling on Roe v Wade.....honestly i do not have strong opinions on this one.....on one hand most of the kids that are being aborted would probably suffer a miserable existence being born into an unloving family or broken home.........BUT......and this part bothers me......late term abortion after a heartbeat has been discovered is MURDER.....plain and simple.....there has to be a middle 2022 with contraception readily available and even the morning after pill ( for cases of rape or incest) abortion should not be considered another form of birth control. The demonrats had 50 years to codify Roe V Wade and they did nothing.....why ?  same reason they have done Nothing for the Dreamers.......why solve a problem and risk losing the support at the polls from the people you helped....when you can keep them hanging on a string and living in fear of the opposing party..........the first thing Pelosi said ( after downing a few wines) after the SCOTUS ruling was that this issue will be on the ballot in November (it's not) she just meant that everyone should get out and vote demonrat this fall.....she didn't call for Congress to convene and get started on some legislation to protect abortion "rights".....she just called for her constituents to contribute to the DNC and will be interesting to see if this is the spark the demonrats needed headed into the mid terms......i don't think it will be....the people outraged by the SCOTUS decision were voting liberal anyway........last thing i will say on this subject because, lets face it; it's a brutal subject and i do empathize with women (or birthing people) that have to make a sometimes agonizing decision.......but if some people want to live in state where you can walk down the block and into a clinic at 8 months pregnant and terminate a fetus....then they should also respect the fact that somebody want to live in a state where the rights of the most vulnerable fetus are protected equally with the mother..........and what's wrong with that ? hell if we had more states rights on every issue it could actually save the Union someday......The Central Govt should be seen and not heard ....they should represent our best intentions on an international front, steal oil and other resources from undeveloped nations and get us into a good old fashioned war every 20 years to keep the population down.......but what i do know.

I'll walk you out in the morning dew my honey

I guess it doesn't really matter anyway

I guess it doesn't matter anyway

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