Sunday, March 19, 2023

i don't know, but i've been told

in the heat of the sun a man died of cold

Do we keep on coming or stand and wait

with the sun so dark and the hour so late? (Hunter/Garcia)

Every action, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant; has a reaction. 
This American Experiment seems to be on a path toward failure. Freedom and Capitalism are giving way to Socialism and eventually Communism. A slow decline when you are in the midst of it, but incredibly fast when compared to historic empires. Our Political Leaders on both sides of the aisle would love nothing more than the eventual return to Feudalism. Where they and their friends & family are viewed as the Nobility of the times and the masses are mere surfs to work the land and eat scraps at the table. Perhaps there are not enough men on the planet to support a Free Capitalist Society that is also a world power, and if you are not a world power you will be conquered of course.

This Tuesday former President Trump will be arrested , and it doesn't even matter why. 
This is another warning from the establishment to the common man , KNOW YOUR PLACE and stay out of our way. The Swamp is very real and awfully deep and only Swamp creatures are permitted to play in the political game. The real smart people, the ones who actually succeed in Business ( as opposed to those that hand out a textbook and pat themselves on the back for being smarter than a teenager) the smartest amongst us are forced to the sidelines. The sharpest minds, the leaders of industry, Brilliant Surgeons and the Bravest veterans are not welcomed in the fraternity. 

The Education system has long been weaponized against the very heart of America. they live to diminish our accomplishments and shine a light onto our failures and shortcomings. they have bullied a generation of soccer moms to indoctrinate our youth with their manifesto. Boys are encouraged to be girls and girls are encouraged to abort their own children.  The classrooms of the nation are no longer a safe place for healthy debate, but rather an army of single ideology marching in lockstep. The few Conservative voices within the various teachers unions are shouted down and discouraged from voicing their opinions/concerns....instead the remain silent and let Randi Weingarten speak for them.

What stood in the way of their evil intentions had always been the Police. The Police are being gutted and replaced as we speak. The Establishment was able to use the death of one drifter Meth Head in Minnesota to vilify and discredit an entire nation of men and women that are willing to risk their own life to protect ours. The Networks have shaped public opinion to view all Police as white supremacists and not worthy of your respect. And if by chance some Police have not received the memo and are still arresting the bad guys ??  well George Soros DA's simply refuse to incarcerate the guilty parties.

This Nation is circling the drain, one has to wonder if we will even Celebrate our 250th Birthday together for 24 hours. Mark levin was on FOX over the weekend and he talked about and quoted Frederick Bastiat. Do you remember that name from your History Class ?  yep, me neither. Amongst other things Bastiat wrote in the days after the French Revolution about the myths, and lies of a Socialists Govt. He tackled Socialism brick by brick and warned his countrymen about these evils to which France was turning.....he was ignored , and we all know where France is today. One quote from Bastiat is extremely relevant in America this Tuesday as the man who tried to drain the swamp will instead be swallowed alive by the swamp

The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish!

and of course Mr Hunter had his own take.

Spent a little time on the mountain
Spent a little time on the hill
Things went down we don't understand
but I think in time we way or another, this darkness has got to give


Anonymous said...

Once again but sadly right on...
Where's the JACK??? We all will need it!

alvarez said...

is it ok if i call the ny giants "midgets" when they begin next season 0-3?

are there any little people of america readers?

that contest at tomcats bachelor party was not my idea.


alvarez said...

Could the entertainment committee arrange for Bill Walton to be the surprise guest at SN 26?


Anonymous said...

What in the world?

The UCLA of downtown Brooklyn

Ending their sports program?


Why not academic program first?

Or did they ever have one?
