Monday, September 04, 2023

they took all the trees

 put 'em in a tree museum.

And they charged the people a dollar an' a half just to see 'em (Joni Mitchell)

from the theatre of the absurd comes congestion pricing part 2 thousand.
It takes a lot for me to spit out my morning coffee....shootings, stabbings, raping's, murders..... hurricanes, earthquakes, Tsunamis, Fires.....all far too commonplace to register a raised eyebrow these days. 

This morning i heard something that forced me to rewind the TV to the beginning of the story, for surely i either misheard the interviewer or i was confused as to whom was being interviewed......nope....i heard it correct.

The Head of the Port Authority Union said that Congestion Pricing was UNFAIR to his members because some of them have to arrive at work , or end their shift ; in the middle of the night.....and Public transportation was NOT a viable option........take a deep breath......the head of the union that runs the PATH said that Public transportation is not a viable option after the evening rush......last time i checked the PATH runs 24 hours a day between Newark and the World Trade Center (albeit very sparingly after 1:00 a.m.) and it was PATH themselves that decided to suspend service after midnight on the Hoboken to 33rd street line ( who's fault is that)? 

Even still.....up until now if a regular slob complained about the sketchy , inconsistent and unsafe service on PATH after midnight....he was politely told to GO FUCK him or herself.....but now because the MTA is going to charge 2 arms and 3 legs to drive into manhattan, well we are told that the Port Authority Union is the real true victim.

so we can surely expect that the Port Authority Union will soon join the list of people/groups exempt from Congestion pricing.....along with Cops, Fire, Sanitation, Transgendered Hispanics, illiterate blacks, radical moslems and anyone who claims to be coming into NYC daily just to visit the Holocaust Museum. 

who's left ?  the evil white male of course.

NYC is also testing a pilot program on the upper east side.....noise activated cameras to catch and fine noise polluters.....the community is excited to welcome this new program of big brother spying and taxation through fines, punishment and official word on who will be exempt but I am sure all the Motorcycle trikes that terrorize the rest of the city will in line for immunity.

Can't wait until this backfires and an eventual moslem mayor uses these same cameras against the self loathsome heebs that helped install them. the only problem with history is that it takes so long for the pendelum to swing.....but swing it will.....swing it will......until then 2+3=Beeer

we were watching the news the other night and there was an in depth story about brain surgeons saving valuable time by feeding symtoms into a computer realtime during a biopsy and relying on A.I to suggest a diagnosis..........can't wait until the autopilot brain surgeon suggests that 2+3=Beeeer

Don't it always seem to goThat you don't know what you've got 'til it's goneThey paved paradise, put up a parking lot(Ooh, bop-bop-bop-bop, ooh, bop-bop-bop-bop)

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