Friday, August 04, 2006

SNIX is coming

In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people,
By the relief office I seen my people;
As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking Is this land made for you and me?

Nobody living can ever stop me,
As I go walking that freedom highway;
Nobody living can ever make me turn back
This land was made for you and me.

“ Woody Guthrie”

The fiery hot topic of illegal immigration has raised it’s ugly head again. Foreign scoundrels with their stupid accents sneaking across our borders. Placing their kids in our schools and refusing to assimilate. Euro Trash coming to our pristine shores and stealing jobs that North American can not or will not perform. Drug smuggling terrorist wanna -bees that refuse to pay taxes or contribute to society in any acceptable way.

I am of course talking about the invasion of Czechs, Ruskies and Slovaks into the National Hockey League., and it must be stopped now.

But seriously folks, no two stories are the same , we need to avoid sweeping statements and generalizations. There are good, decent , hard working, starving, HUMAN BEINGS on our shore, just trying to survive…..not succeed. They are not all funneling cash back to Al Queda or hawking bootleg videos on street corners. although some certainly are… (see Amediu …they killed you again ). We certainly need stronger Law enforcement to protect our norms, but we cannot become gun shy or atagonistic towards everyone. I would surmise that 90% of the folks that receive this letter come from families that migrated to the US post 1850. 150 years is not a long time in the History of Man…..There but for the Grace of God go we…... Over the past 50 years we have gladly accepted defectors from our sworn enemies as a tool for reinforcing that our idealogy was right ( See Russia, Cuba, Iraq etc etc) , by that same token we should not punish the impoverished citizens of our allies or friends ( see Mexico today and Ireland in the 1980’s / 1990’s) just because they are not fleeing oppression at the hands of a dictator. To build a fence across the Mexican border would be the saddest mistake this country can make, not just because Canada is inundated with Arab Terrorist and our focus should be to the North, but because it would be the ultimate surrender to our inability to effectively Govern….shutting yourself in is never the answer….not to mention it would be the equivilant of handing out a death sentence to millions of innocent people that mean us no harm. A work Visa program that guarantees basic Human rights for our guests is a start… and spend the fence money on prescreening and background checks on those that apply for citizenship.
Back to the serious subject of Hockey…… the time you receive this in the mail the Edmonton Oilers should be celebrating their first post-Messier Stanley Cup……but I have been wrong before.

In case you were attending a Sweet 16 , or if you failed to receive a formal invite , Sweater Night 8 (Nate) was a rousing success . Those who could attend were glad they did, those that could not were missed……except "you know who" who was NOT missed by anyone…….Cold Beer and Hockey Fights were the flavour of choice.

Preperation for Sweater Night 9 , henceforth referred to as SNIX , is well underway....suggestions are always welcome, so don't be shy.....log onto this blog and make a comment or two.......except you Rog.....we refuse to make this a NIKE love-in , so keep your sad suggestions and your BUSCH Beer to yourself.

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