Tuesday, March 11, 2008

BB or Stan

So I am in the Count Basie on Sunday Night, third row center for the legendary BB King , and he's pickin on Lucille and tellin tales of life growing up in the deep deep south of Itta, Bena Mississippi in the 1920's . "I was born in 1925" he proudly told the crowd, "I am 82 years young" ……and suddenly it hits me….Stan Pazarecki is also 82 years old, and also lived a very exciting life…….maybe Ol Stan could pack in the Basie and tell stories about Chippy , and the parking meter he ran over , and the Soccer Tavern etc etc ……..I don't think Stan can play the guitar, and he does not have a band yet, but if we start him out with a harmonica and let him open a set for the high tides , we may be on to something……Obviously he can't start at the top, nobody can, but maybe we'll get him a gig in the Schnitzel House and take it from there…..Dano could accompany him, bang on the triangle and help him with his anecdotes should he forget a punch line or an important detail……now all we need is a booking agent, can some call Norman Clancy and see if he wants first dibs at this project?

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