Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I Apologize

To my loyal voters that is……..why ? What did you think I was apologizing for ?? The past 30 days on the campaign trail, the only person on the scene missing was me and the Jack of Hearts……..a lot of flack over this 3:00 a.m. call ……….Hillary sez she has the experience to handle it, Johnny Mac draws on his POW experiences , but I can honestly say, and as this Blog can attest , I am the only candidate that what NOT be awoken by that 3:00 a.m. Call…….early to bed , even earlier to rise, that's what makes me healthy, happy and WISE…….not a bad blueprint for success Dante……….there was also this imaging scandal that has erupted…..apparently Hillary ran a photo of me in one of her ads, but they doctored the color of my hair ……put in more pepper and took out some of my natural salt , in a weak effort to rob me of the maturity that grey hair instills……….I drank very hard for many a year and earned every one of these grays……I never succumbed to the weakness of hair dye and never shall……anyway, now that I have put to bed the issues that plagued my campaign in the run-up to SNX , a fine gathering of True Good Friends, no impostors, we can get back to run a clean healthy campaign………Tom Petty has not retuned my calls, but we do think we have inked the Heartbreakers as the warm-up act for the Hightides at Sweater Night 11……..if there is a sweater night 11.

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