Saturday, May 03, 2008

it's Chritmas in May on the shore

My favorite day of the year has finally arrived....a bit damp , but alas saturnalian just the same.....we shall prepare for a feast worthy of the God of Bacchus. we shall imbibe and exchange tales of the great rum runners and watch the finest thoroughbreds the land has to offer, and we shall curse like the navy and gamble like the mafia till that last good morning sunrise is the brightest you've ever seen......ARVIDAS.....a knock at the door.....hark wko goes there.....the Darby that's who.

I may not be a visionaire but my court vision is still 20/20 and you can't listen to the tale of ekati without dancing a little monba ...ol cowboy Cal can try to recapture the glory from Colonel John and his Bob Black Jack but its the smooth air that surrounds the cool coal man that makes me scream anak nakal letgo my gayego when I awake from a terrible dream. I may not have z' humor but I know she spent a z fortune on the Big brown Big Truck she's been driving and blasting the horn that sounds like 8 belles ringing from here to denis of cork

but then again Adriano....I suppose I am a pyro at heart.

my head tells me to send it in on Pyro.....but I will also follow the spirit of the beloved Barbaro and take a shot with MR Prado.

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