Saturday, April 17, 2010

isn't it obvious

I would hope by now that everyone realizes that the KGB took down the Polish Airliner carrying the Polish President and his a time when we are begging Putin to be our friend and help us with iran, we are giving away our nuclear advantage, the russian Bear is rising up that they have regained control of Kryszigstan, how long and at what ransom will we be forced to pay to continue to use the airbase that is a vital supply line to the troops in Afghanistan? we are quickly becoming a shadow of our former self....i feel sorrow for the families of the man and women that have given their lives in defense of this nation the past 9 years...their sacrifice was unwarranted and under appreciated...we are a sad , sad, effin nation with little or no hope on the horizon, and as a final FU to those who volunteered to serve, the U.S.Navy is naming a ship after John Fukin Murtha , the low life pig that accused the Marines of cold blooded murder in the streets of Iraq.....we deserve our own annihilation, we really do.

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