Friday, October 21, 2011


quit hits on moamar khadaffi ,

1) he was murderous scum and it's good that he is dead
2) I was part of the 7th Fleet that crossed the "Line of Death" back in 88 and challenged the great libyan fleet....they were a no-show
3) thank God it wasn't Dylan.....when I first saw moamar being dragged through the streets with a bullet in his head I thought it was Bob.
4)we hated him......we forgave him ( strange)....we hated him again.....we killed him......boy are we a fucked up nation...
5) this new pack of camel fukers that are in charge hate us just as much , if not more than moamar....BUT they will take our $$$ nice to see hillary hangin with students in tripoli, telling tem that america is with you.....I AIN'T with THEM ...

now let's move on to the GREAT REFORMER assad......will hillary dance when we shoot him in the head too ? don't get me wrong, we should kill these pigs, but let's be consistent...the rest of the world is not as stupid as the voting public in this country....they may actually see through our bullshit.....

happy friday.

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