Saturday, October 15, 2011

the protests

so the United Federation of Teachers is backing the Occupy Wall Street protesters.....which is interesting...because one of the demands of the quazi beatnik-trust fund scumbags is that they and all of the american youth receive free education.........WHY ? should a young American graduate from college with 120K in debit ?? it's not fair to start out adult life saddled with such enormous debt........well, maybe I am too stupid to understand....I am not a college grad after all.....But Maybe if the UFT and their brethren weren't commanding such ridiculous salaries for a few hours of work a few months out of the year the Universities wouldn't have to charge anywhere from 30 to 50K a year to learn how to hate your country, disrepect your military and worship Iran.......maybe if the freako lesbo self loathsome creep randi weingarten would take a stand and offer their teaching skills free of charge as an alternative to Gih Priced colleges ...these kids would have a fightin chance......maybe if they werent in bloombergs office every 2 years demandng pay increases and pension increases and smaller classrooms etc etc .....maybe our taxes wouldnt be suffocating the country.....i'm just protest , i will not even use spellcheck on this post.......who needs teachers when we have spell check and big brother Barry to tell us right from wrong.

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