Thursday, October 06, 2011

Wall Street Protests

2 quick hits cause i have a train to catch.

First....i find it funny that the unions joined the protests against wall street yesterday.....i know for a fact that every memeber of my staff would give me their 2 week notice in a second if there were ever able to get a UNION job....there are no pensions in my firm, we have always contributed significantly to our own health insurance and we can be let go or told to move out of state in the drop of a hat...maybe the protestors should look in the mirror.

Secondly.....nobody in the financial world actually works on wall street or lower manhattan case these snot nosed kids missed it, the firms were all taxed into submission or murdered in a terrorist attack....wall street itself is all UNION BUILT condos......go to North Carolina or Fla or Texas if you want to protest brokerage firms you assholes.......or maybe you just want attention.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey stud--went to look at the crowd...they don't believe there was a terrorist attack...signs said "2 planes can't bring down 2 buildings"--Duff