Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Point Pleasant

once again we show what a stupid , decaying society we are.......the good people of Pt Pleas NJ have enacted a a new township rule that the Bars must close at midnight as opposed to 2:200 a.m. ......this is wrong on soo many this punish "any" small business owner with increased rules and regulations is stupid and borderline criminal.......but lets forget the economic reason for 1 minutes.......this is another example of knee jerk society enacting rules to punish the entire population for the sins of the few......if the township has a problem with rowdy, late night carousing, public intoxication and urination, they should enforce the laws that are on the Books and target the offenders......not every citizen who would like to have a drink at midnight on a Saturday evening and act responsibly. ( I should point out that i haven't been in a Bar past midnight in probably 4 or 5 years, so this isn't about me).  All this stupid rule will accomplish is the following.

It will certainly hurt the bar business that Pay Taxes, occupy real estate and contribute to the economy.
Like Major League Sports cutting off sales of Beer at Midway point of games...this will encourage "BINGE" drinking..and accelerated intake.....let's get as fukked up as possible before midnight.

And most alarming......what happens when Jenks closes at 12.....and Sally Simpson and Joey Staten Island decide they not ready for bed.?  they get in the car and hightail to a neighboring town where the bars are open till 2:00 a.m..........fukkin brilliant.

Just politely ask the police unions that are strangling the local economies with their salaries and pensions to do their jobs and enforce the rules that are on the books.....instead of looking away when some dingbat hikes up her skirt and pees in the alley, give her a's revenue for the township and it may even force her to think twice next time.

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