Thursday, May 01, 2014

regime change ?

The NBA is making a huge mistake if the 29 owners "force" sterling to sell......we live in a free & capitalist society..... You don't have to like Donald sterling and he doesn't have to like you.....he has broken no laws....unlike the multitude of players that routinely assault wives n girlfriends.... Drive under the influence and are arrested for weapons and narcotic possessions and get s mete slap on the wrist or maybe a suspension....... There are available means to persuade sterling to sell the team........sponsors can cancel relationships...... Free agents can sign elsewhere and fans can choose not to attend their games......but to force him to sell sets an uneasy precedent........ Who's next ?  Boston or Phoenix need a regime change because they draft too many white guys ?.......Utah has to sell to someone willing to relocate the team cause we don't like Mormon values ? .......jay zee gotta sell cause he uses the N word ?........where does it end ? I understand the argument that sterling is hurting the image and thus value of the league.....but I reject it....the only team sterling is hurting is the clippers.... And that alone could prompt him to sell on his be fair...he must be a shrewd businessman to acrue such wealth n power.....I doubt he will hold on to a dwindling asset out of spite.

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