Friday, December 02, 2016

A rifle on my shoulder , 6 shooter in my hand.

" Lord I've been all around this world"............and yesterday came a surprise phonecall from the suburbs of Mosul in the sandstorms of Iraq....from my original shipmate on the good destroyer Luce , who will not be named here for privacy protection.....and as we rehashed the olde and made plans for mugs raising in the future, he mentioned that he has been checking out the BLOG.......better than AFRTS.....sweater Nite now brings updates from the taverns to the troops on the John Lennon would say " we're bigger than Jesus"............. And in the spirit of the military, a great story making the rounds about an American hero....Ray Chavez....he turns 104 tomorrow.....he is the oldest known living Navy survivor from the Pearl harbor attacks....he lives in San Diego and works out on a treadmill every week.....the other gym members raised money to send him to Hawaii for the 75th anniversary observance on tge 7th....he said he's excited to go , but worries that it could be his last time going...and then he laughs....he didn't talk about that day after....he only broke his silence on the 50th Anniversary.... because he thought it was important to talk about....that's an American.....that's a HERO...God Bless Ray Chavez....God Bless our U.S.A.

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