Monday, May 22, 2017

Notre Dame disgrace

One more reason to hate these privileged pieces of shit...the party of tolerance that has no tolerance for any thoughts and ideas that are not in lockstep with their own.....the spoiled little rich kids of Notre Dame walked out on a comemcement speech at their own graduation because they didn't want to hear what the Vice President of the United States had to say...... time to grow up and show some respect for Christ sakes.....I hope hiring managers take a long hard look at any ND resumes and consider the consequences of hiring such indignant and intolerant babies.


alvarez said...

stare, then yell at them when you see them...will send them to rehab, hopefully for a very long more ammo...

alvarez said...

Wow...looks like the vp walkout not the major story...did you see this at the ND graduation?

Notre Dame valedictorian: “Our generation must stand against the scapegoating of Muslims”

I wonder what this 4 years of brainwashing cost...we are losing the battle, I'm having doubts MAGA can turn the tide...last one out, turn off the lights...adios...but buy more ammo, just in case...