Friday, August 18, 2017

"I used to sing on the mountains

Has the ocean lost its way? "....0 (John Bonham).........lots of talk lately about George Orwell and 1984...eery similarities to the current state of this nation.....I quote."every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered... history has stopped" this what we want ? Two weeks ago I talked about the "left" and the palatinians not wanting peace because they thrived on hostility and unrest.... they wouldn't know what to do with themselves....the Palastinians are more obsessed with the destruction of Isreal than they are with the well being of their own children.....the left doesn't want equality for blacks, LGBT and the freaks of the day club.... they want to tear down this nation ( literally).....they want to erase our history and rewrite it....they want to expunge the forefathers of this nation...and they are succeeding, not in baby steps, but in leaps and bounds.... they are forcing every AMERICAN to choose a side..... The battle seems more immenent than ever...we are reaching a point of no return....a point where reconciliation is no longer possible....I fear for the future of this country.

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