Friday, April 06, 2018

The little rascals

Buckwheat, Stymie and all of the our gang rascals crawled out from their caves when the TV man done showed up..saheed vassell was a good guy and everyone knew he had mental issues and wouldn't hurt a fly.... problem is the folks that called 911 didn't know OR didn't mention....all they said was there was a man pointing a gun at strangers.....the people that DID know saheed ? They didn't try to help or alert police that an emotionally disturbed man was acting the police raced to the scene to protect the public and saheed points a metal object at him ( a gun they were told by 911 dispatch) and so they shot him...... I feel bad for the deceased, but the crown heights creetons that took to the streets to protest should look in the mirror..... and then burn in hell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on, brudder. Stupid is, as stupid does and those marchers combined IQ doesn't reach the level of a pea. Just keep giving them their gubment i-phones!