Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Just Like New York City

Just like Jericho...….remember the week before Hurricane Sandy ? I do......it was a bizarre week......a nanny on the upper west side murdered two kids in her care in a bathtub and said she was possessed to do so.....a NYC Cop was arrested as he prepared to kidnap and Cook two people....The Cannibal Cop as the NY Post labled him...and there were more truly insane stories that surfaced in the days leading up to the big storm....some people even theorized that the pressure of the Massive storm was the driving force that sent people that teetered on the brink of insanity.....over the edge.....the heat has a way of driving people over the edge too... this August I think we will see an explosion of insanity in this fair city....America has been boiling since Election Day 2016...I have a strange feeling the lid will pop off next month....high humidity, rising temps and general ill will amongst the masses...I can feel it coming....I just hope that I am in the sanctity of Club Gato when it does....Pace the halls and climb the walls Get out when they blow ( Garcia/Hunter)

1 comment:

alvarez said...

the trigger could be metsies trading de grom at midnite on 7/31...to the bronx bombers...yikes