Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hypocrisy unmatched

Lebron jame$$ gets the Emmy for the most hypocritical statement of the decade......but first , let’s go back in time to back to April of 2018, on the 50th anniversary of the Martin Luthier King assasination....and lebron tweeted this quote “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter “ that’s heavy, that sounds like a guy who’s really ready to risk EVERYTHING for something he believes in.....lebron is going to stand UP for the protesters in Hong Kong even if it costs him (and Nike) endorsement $$$$ in China........right?  WRONG.......Lebron instead called out Houston Rockets GM for his tweet supporting Hong Kong.....lebron said Daryl Morey was misinformed and his tweet hurt feelings in China .......he whined about what a tough week he had in China playing basketball while people in Hong Kong were fighting the Chinese regime for basic freedoms........I geuss lebron life has begun to end, because he’s quieter than a MUTE when it comes to speaking against the Chinese communist murdering justice warrior at his best, fake, phony, fugazy and fraud.

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