Thursday, October 10, 2019

knockin off my neighborhood savings & loan

To keep my sweet chiquita in eau de cologne....she wants money, its what she wants ( Weir/Barlow)

The best things in life are free
But you can keep them for the birds and bees
Now give me money, that's what I want ( b.gordy & the Beatles)

Money, get away
Get a good job with good pay and you're okay
Money, it's a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash
New car, caviar, four star daydream
Think I'll buy me a football team ( Roger Waters/Pink Floyd)

"20 years on the Rock Pile and what do I got ? "  ( Kevin Woods)

30 years ago this morning I walked into 77 Water Street (4th floor) and began my career on Wall Street. I can't Thank Cliff Pascale enough for giving me a chance. I found more than a source of income...I found a career in Margin....I found something I am good at ( arguing, debating and fighting  with people over money and ultimately telling people to go fuck themselves and have them thank you for that). I made incredible friendships along the way and met my wife in the Margin Dept as well. A never ending scroll of crazy characters , an impressive list of gin mills in lower manhattan, midtown, Hoboken and even jersey city ( RIP Iron Monkey)….along the way I have had a front row seat for the bubble, the September 11th terrorist attack and Financial meltdown of 2008-9....and I couldn't imagine a path that would have been better for me than this one....there is a lot of truth in the statement that whatever doesn't kill you...makes you stronger...….I've seen a lot of people come and go in the financial business these past 30 years...and I am humbled and grateful to still be plugging away....I ain't done yet.....I will continue to milk this cow for as long as they will let me or until I turn 60....whichever comes first …… the underated Miss Cyndy Lauper said.

"I said money, money changes everything
You think you know what you're doin'
We don't pull the strings
It's all in the past now
Money changes everything" 


alvarez said...

whoever said money can't buy you happiness didn't know where to shop...

wall street...begins in the river, ends in the graveyard...

alvarez said...

hey..i just read, october 10 is world mental health day...coincidence?

24 hours in a day...24 cans in a case...coincidence?