Thursday, November 14, 2019

You’ve got to pickup every stitch

The rabbits runnin' in the ditch
Beatnicks are out to make it rich
Oh no
Must be the season of the witch
Must be the season of the witch (D. Leitch)

Yep, it’s the season of the with HUNT.......while the world spins out of control and trade deals wait to be ratified and the dreamers dangle in the breeze and the police surrender the streets and subways to the criminales, all the democrats want to do is hold secret dry runs for their impeachment over a phone call.....the President was well within his power to set conditions for foreign aid, especially when giving funds to a country that was drowning in corruption.....unlike previous administrations that gave billions to the Arafat’s of this world, 

“ how can the life of such a man,
Be in the palm of some fool’s hands,
To see him obviously framed, couldn’t help but make you feel ashamed,
To live in a land, where justice is a game “ (Dylan)


Anonymous said...

That guy Taylor yesterday saying I came here to tell you what people told me. That BS would NEVER hold up in a court of law, but shift Schiff loves it! Time to drink the Jack Daniels...

alvarez said...

Hey Chreeeeese?
I drink...a little bit...of the Jack Daniels – pleeeeezee.

Long Live Alvarez!!!!!!!

alvarez said...

if you step back and think about the past 3 years...the guy who campaigned on "draining the swamp" attacked constantly, non-stop and in the end, there is nothing there.


Because there are trillions at stake!

The swamp creatures, including many republicans, are filthy, lying, cheating scum, who have ripped off patriotic Americans for DECADES!!!! The time has come for an accounting, and MAGA is the chosen one.

There is no compromise with these bastards - either firing squad or noose justice, or civil war - I don't see any other outcome.

Wishful thinking is not a think things are bad now, wait until ginsburg drops dead, or Durham begins arresting more ammo...patriots are going to put an end to this shit show. We are moving full speed ahead to a very dark period...get ready.