Friday, December 06, 2019

Sand jiggs

That’s all they are..... Saudi scum.......very disappointed to learn of the shooting at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola this morning....that being the base I took my final bow and exited stage left from the United States 🇺🇸 Navy....I think I lived on that base for the last 60 days I was in the Navy as I awaited my paperwork and official discharge.... that’s where I met ole Alvarez ( he was from nearby Panama City.......I had no duties or reporting structure, I was technically “InTransit” as they called it Jack Nicholson said in the last I basically woke up, showered, swam or shot hoops all morning and waited for them to open the base club every afternoon at 2:00 , where I would proceed to drink everything I could get my hands on until closing time....... I met a lot of nice people in’s a great Navy town.....I hope the scumbag that opened fire is burning in hell as we speak.


alvarez said...

Hey Chreeeeese?
I drink...a little bit...of the Jack Daniels – pleeeeezee.

Long Live Alvarez!!!!!!!

alvarez said...

My only complain against MAGA -too slow to drain the swamp...we need a scorched earth policy, ASAP!