Thursday, March 19, 2020

While you were gone

these spaces filled with darkness
The obvious was hidden
With nothing to believe in
the compass always points to Terrapin ( Hunter/Garcia)

well it's dark out there but certainly not as bad as the media is playing it out to be, and if we learnt anything from Mama Cass and the Momma's and the Papa's we should know that the darkest hour is just before the dawn.

I have used this space to praise, promote and defend our dear Leader...but today I have to weigh in with a dissenting voice. The proposal to send over 500 billion in checks to every American is lunacy...not every American is in the same canoe....I am working from home, getting paid and maintaining my benefits.....I do NOT need a check for $1,000 at this time...….my thoughts, fears and concerns rest with the people that suddenly awoke to find themselves unable to work …..our bartenders, waiters, chefs, stadium concessioners, barbers, tour guides, hotel staff and all the industries that are being forced to shut down amid this Corona Virus...…..sadly a large % of these folks were working off the books and surviving on Tips ….these folks due to no fault of their own are in crisis....with Federal, State and Local Governments overreaching and trampling the Constitutions and ordering these places of business to shutter.

I suggest using that 500 billion to increase and extend unemployment benefits and to allow "off the Book" workers to file as well......that goes against everything I normally stand for, but desperate times call for desperate measures.... …..will there be fraud ? Yes an abundance......will the people that need it the most receive a helping hand or lifeline ? ? Yes they will......and so it must be done....let's get through this …..let that bartender file an unemployment claim and even though his employer may be illegally paying him off the books, offer them both amnesty and just get through this that going to solve the cirisis ? no...….but as the richest and most advanced capitalist society we should set the example and show that we take care of our own......don't send me a check, it won't stimulate the economy if there is nothing open that I can spend it on anyway...….offer low or zero interest loans to small business, and take an ownership stock in the airlines, hotels, fracking companies and other larger business that need it...…...let us the billions in BUYBACK shares to post as collateral and when everyone has recovered let the Corporations buy the shares back from the Government at a profit for the American people...…….that's what the misnamed bailout of the financial system was really all about in 2008.....the Feds turned an incredible profit at the hands of Morgan Stanley and others...… it again where needed.

thta's my two cents on a dollar...and seriously I could sit here and type all day , but alas I must get back to work...……..there are brighter days ahead....Stay Calm & Drink On.

The sullen wings of fortune beat like rain
You're back in Terrapin for good or ill again
For good or ill again


alvarez said...

hey, we are americans, don't let these evil bastards scare us...ignore the hysteria and hype...we can survive tough situations...and today may be a good time more ammo.

Where is Chriiiiiiiiiiiiis?

alvarez said...


Anonymous said...

If you do end up getting a check, do as I will and donate it to a local foodbank or maybe there is a bartender's fund out there!