Tuesday, July 28, 2020

another day without end - another ship going out

Another day of anger - bitterness and doubt
I know how it happened - I saw it begin
I opened my heart to the world and the world came in ( Dylan)

wow....just wow.......mayor debozo is now pointing the finger of blame at the courts being shut down for the spike in shooting across the 5 boroughs.

this is the guy that has insisted the whole legal system is unfair to minorities.
this is the guy that has been trying to shut down Rikers Island because too many people of color are incarcerated .....not because he wants to sell the land to developers.
this is the guy that pushed not bail reform , but doing away with bail all together.
this is the guy that 30 days ago told us the Police were the problem and that communities and social workers and  conflict mediators could do a better job.
this is the guy that emptied the prisons because of corona virus, sending violent criminals back into the population.

in an amusing side note......the city is booking all the rooms in 2 upper west side luxury hotels and sending the homeless there......sex offenders, mentally disturbed, all the all stars from the streets.....and the community ?  all these white women who were screaming that Black Olives Matter just a few days ago are now horrified that the Blackest of the olives are living amongst them.....One lady was downright Apoplectic , screaming at a reporter..."this is a family oriented neighborhood" well sweetheart  he's your Mayor.....and you voted for him, not me. I guess homeless black olives don't matter on the upper west side.

when this old world gets you down remember.......there is always beer ......and Dylan

"I ain’t no false prophet - I’m nobody’s bride
Can’t remember when I was born and I forgot when I died" 


alvarez said...

"...and if my thought-dreams, could be seen...they'd probably put my head in a guillotine...but it's alright, ma, it's life and life only..."

cheer up - the day or reckoning is coming...i'll be watching death wish later today with a cold beer...and taking notes...and of course, buying you know what...lots of it.

alvarez said...

something to think about...

Hitler was very aware of two factors that he could exploit to overturn the government and assume dictatorial power. The first, once violence was not firmly dealt with and tolerated then just the threat of violence would be sufficient to intimidate the ruling class. The second, was the inbred naiveté and egocentricity of the ruling class in believing that they, by their extraordinary powers of persuasion, could placate anyone or any movement and still maintain power. These lessons are not lost on the Marxists running amok in the United States today.