Wednesday, July 22, 2020

What a field day for the heat

A thousand people in the street ( Stephen Stills)

Well they weren’t actually in the street but rather camping on the grounds of city hall for the past 3 weeks or so....and mayor debozo who has insisted that he can replace the big bad policeman with Conflict Mediators and social workers , finally decided enough was enough . ......and so who did he call to get the job done ?

Hawk Newsome ? The President of aBLM chapter in the Bronx ? The peace loving demonstrator who declared that White people should not be allowed to live in Bronx and insisted that Jews want to gentrify and steal the Grand Concourse ? Nope

Eric Adams? The Brooklyn Borough President who insisted that communities can police themselves without inviting the NYPD into the hood ? He went so far as to advise brooklynites to talk to and reason with anyone setting off fireworks and don’t dare call 311......and then a young woman ( Shatavia Walls....say her name) was shot to death in the Pink Houses projects for asking a youngster to stop with his explosives.........nope he didn’t call him

Maybe he called the crisis counselors from Thrive? The mental health initiative and approach to dealing with crime, homelessness and substance abuse.....the taxpayer funded group that misappropriated 850 million dollars, the group that was run by the mayors wife.....former lesbian stripper chirlane McCray ? Nope he didn’t call them either.

By now you probably figured out that he did what all Hypocrites do.....he asked the one organization that he has vilified to come in and do the very same things he accuses them of up the miscreants, slobs and criminals that are illegally occupying city land and desecrating and vandalizing everything in their vicinity.

Did he at least OWN the decision?  Did he go on CNN as he has in the past to explain and defend his decision to end the encampment and his method for achieving this ??No
He sent the NYPD into the park at 3:00 a.m. and as of this writing has issued NO official comment or press release.....he’s probably sleeping and hoping that nobody will know what happened.

HYPOCRISY will destroy this world.

There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong. 

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