Wednesday, December 02, 2020

no news

 in fairness i have not been watching much news since the election.......i tune in to channel 5 in the morning to get the weather and see what Bianca Peters is wearing , but that's about it.

saw a story in the Post yesterday about a white man that was arrested back in May on the #6 train for resisting arrest......he was originally approached by 2 black police officers ( 1 male and 1 female) for taking up more than 1 seat on the train shortly after midnight....he was taking off the train resisted arrest and suffered injuries.

very quietly on monday the charges were dropped after the police video cameras contradicted the officers claims of what happened....turns out the male police officer punched the unarmed white man in the face and dragged him off the train while he was asking them what he had done wrong and then the two Cops collaborated to charge the man with resisting.

Police Chief Shea is refusing to say if these two Cops will face disciplinary action.

My Question.........although i suspect i know the answer.......IS THE MEDIA covering this story and are they airing the video evidence over and over and over like they do everytime a white cop sneezes ?  

1 comment:

alvarez said...

Hey Chreeeeese?
I drink...a little bit...of the Jack Daniels – pleeeeezee.

Long Live Alvarez!!!!!!!