Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Been walkin' all mornin', went walkin' all night

 I can't see much difference between the dark and light

And I feel the wind and I taste the rain

Never in my mind to cause so much pain (Hunter-Garcia)

in these disturbing times it can be difficult to see the difference between the dark and light, but one needs to look no further than Poland to see the LIGHT. The response of the Polish Govt can be explained as a necessary move as they see themselves as the next domino should Russia succeed in taking control of the Ukraine, But the response of the Polish people is nothing short of heartwarming. An incredible and unprecedented outpouring of support for the refugees. As the Nation opened their border to all, the People took it many steps further.... greeting refugees at the border and train stations with food, water, clothing and support. Those with homes or spare bedrooms opened them to strangers, and some who did not have space to house people instead rented apartments or hotel rooms in the cities with their own $$ on behalf of refugees. These are people that have not forgotten what it is like to live under the Russian fist of oppression, these are people with compassion for their fellow human beings. Imagine how scared and frightened these refugees must be.... most of them women with young children ...their husbands remaining in the Ukraine to fight; and they arrive at the border on foot with just an overnight bag.... and then to see warm , welcoming people on the other side. If you believe in God, you believe that God sees this too.

As the russian convey, some 40 miles long; crawls along the main roads at a snail's pace....one has to imagine their utter destruction and annihilation if the Ukraines had a few F14-Tomcats at their disposal...like the ones we stupidly sold to Fucking IRAN in 1973 before they revolted against the Shah.......as Bob Dylan reminds us "Man has invented his doom" and the US government never fails to confuse and disappoint.

The next 48 hours will be interesting.......have to think this war is unpopular in Moscow.....the Kremlin prevented a stock sell-off by simply closing their stock exchange yesterday..can't do that forever....the Ruble is worth pennies.... interest rates are north of 20%.....British Petroleum and Shell have cut ties to Russia at a great expense to themselves.... others should follow. Russian access to SWIFT has been greatly restricted...but the oligarch's still buy Gucci leather goods from the Gindaloons. ..Sadly the US is still buying Russian Oil....Joe Biden is so worried about the midterm elections and so afraid of the progressive wing of his own party that he refuses to allow the American Oil and Gas industry to bail us out of this crisis.....if Biden were to make an announcement tonight during his State of The Union address....and simply state to the American people "Hey , Gas Prices are gonna skyrocket for a while and we may indeed have gas shortages for a while until we get back up and running, But we need to support the Ukraine as Leaders of the free world and we are not going to buy Russian oil effective immediately ",,,if he said that tonight....i think the American public would give him a pass on the issue high gas prices....i honestly do.....that, along with .more and more talk of War crimes and trials at the Hague would have some of the people in the Russian Military thinking twice about targeting Ukranian civilians.....lets just hope that someone wakes up sleepy Joe when and if the Nukes start flying.

Comes a time when the blind man takes your hand
Says, "Don't you see?

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