Wednesday, December 21, 2022

yeah, up in the morning and out to school

 The teacher is teaching the golden rule

American history and practical math
You study them hard, hoping to pass ( Chuck Berry)

soooo the Taliban is banning Females from attending problems there.....we all know the fairer sex already "KNOWS it ALL", but in a strange twist they are also banning females from Public Parks and Gyms ......honestly, i don't think they have thought this one through .... ever see an afghan broad? it's not like they resemble the second coming or Racquel Walsh or Farrah Fawcett .... they should instead insist that the native females, who are not wasting time in the halls of knowledge; spend all their new free time IN THE GYM.......and seriously, who wants to go to an all-male park with a pack of homos? let the physically fit young ladies into the parks, but ban the head scarves and veils. ( the fatso's should have to wear 2 hijabs). Until they reverse these descisions I will NOT be vacationing in Kabul.

Working your fingers right down to the bone
The guy behind you won't leave you alone


alvarez said...

how did bruce jenner turn out?


alvarez said...

it makes no sense they stick the short days right when you need to spend a lot of time shopping...and sipping jack...chreeeeese...


alvarez said...

Hey Chreeeeese?

I drink...a little bit...of the Jack Daniels – pleeeeezee.

Long Live Alvarez!!!!!!!