Thursday, February 09, 2023

what fixation feeds this fever

 As the full moon pales and climbs

Am I living truth or rank deceiver

Am I the victim or the crime

Am I the victim or the crime  ( Graham & Weir) 

so a 14-year-old girl was bullied unmercifully in Bayville NJ by her fellow students. One recent incident was captured on film and shared on social media, the young girl was walking down the hallway when she had a milkshake thrown in her face and then was kicked, punched and knocked to the floor of the school...this weekend she took her own life.

The students...the same group that either bullied her or shared the "funny" video of her being bullied or the ones that stood by and did absolutely nothing . ...they staged a WALK OUT of school for the TV cameras......transparent hypocrisy was on full display as these "kids" blamed the school for not calling the Police and stopping the bullying.......classic deflection.....i'm a guilty piece of shit, but it's the school cops, society or fill in the blanks fault for not stopping ME......and the video of these privileged inbred losers mugging it up for the cameras is equally disturbing.....they couldn't give a rats ass about their dead classmate...they were too excited that a TV camera from the big city was in their little town .......because at the end of the day in 2023 it's ALWAYS someone else's fault.........never forget how occupy wall street launched the theory that it was the banks fault for lending students tution money in the first place that lead to the student loan crisis..........and who started that movement ?  the tenured professors that raked in 6 and 7 figure salaries as tuition rose through the stratosphere. The college teachers convinced the kids that the coat of an education was not the problem but the institutions that lent you the money to pursue your dreams were the REAL problem..........China is coming to slaughter us ,and they can't get here soon enough.

there is an unconfirmed rumor that the Sweater Nite Jerzees for Paul Molloy and Rich O'Mara were on that peaceful weather ballon that dementia Joe shot down....

Am I the driver or the driven
Will I be damned to be forgiven
Is there anybody here but me who needs to know

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