Friday, July 28, 2023

singers smoke it

 And players of instrument too

Legalize it, yeah, yeahThat's the best thing you can do (P. Tosh) 

well it took a long time since Peter Tosh gave his impassioned plea in the mid 70's , but now several states have decriminalized the sale and possession of marijuana. In fact just yesterday i saw several new pot stores opening in Newark and New York...they are part of Chris ( no timeouts) Webbers' initiative to finance and or lend seed money to entrepreneurs entering the legal weed have to be black to qualify for his assistance. Funny how the people who demand we end discrimination are usually the ones who discriminate the most...once they get a taste of power.

oh well i am just hoping these hypocrites don't change their progressive tune when the shoplifters and looters turn know, the apologists who say CVS is a big Corporation and they should not stop shoplifters.....they have insurance......and besides, these people are only taking what they need to survive.....same with the smash and grab animals in San Francisco......they probably have hungry mouths to feed.....and the self-loathsome corporations like Lowes who would rather fire an employee for trying to stop a shoplifter than hire a few armed security guards to protect their assets .....let's hope good ol webber has a chat with these new shop owners and explains to them that theft is just something we all have to live with......don't stop or try to apprehend the thieves, and for goodness sakes do not EVER call those racist police........yeah, well....we shall see.


Doctors smoke itNurses smoke itJudges smoke itEven lawyer too

1 comment:

alvarez said...

I guess we should have been paying attention when the limp wristed kenyan muslim who wears mom jeans said he was going to fundamentally transform murica...

oh well, buy more ammo, and 2 + 3 = beeer...
