Sunday, July 16, 2023

you take Sally, i'll take Sue

 There ain't no difference between the two

Cocaine, running all 'round my brain (Rev Gary Davis)

and so the Secret Service has given up the investigation into whom the bag of cocaine found outside the situation room belonged to. First we were told the Coke was found in a common area were tours have access......when that was debunked we were steered to believe it was found need an area where construction workers was later confirmed that any construction worker would have had to pass through  a security gate....then we were told it was found in a cubby hole on a bookshelf near the situation room and Now we are supposed to believe that the most secure building in the United States does not have adequate surveillance video to capture the comings and goings.

Can you imagine the coverage and the investigation had this happened under Trump or any Republican President ? 

110,000 thousand people died in the USA in 2022 from Fentanyl poisoning .
3,000 people lost their lives in NYC in 2022 alone.
How many arrests have there been ? how many dealers were tracked down and sent to Prison?
I don't have the answers.

I do know that Sofia Haley Marks was known in lower Manhattan as the Percocet Princess.
I have read that she was well known for selling drugs to high school aged kids.
I have read that she was on the Feds radar.
I know that she would still be walking the streets and selling drugs possibly to your Kids or Grand kids EXCEPT.....she sold them to blowhard Liberal Actor Robert Deniro's grand son...and he died....and so she was immediately arrested and now they will surely throw the book at her .
If only Sofia had kept selling to a bunch of nobody's....then nobody would have cared.
hypocrisy 24/7.......can't wait till Bobby D starts crying about illegal drugs and the border.

2+3= Beeer

I was talking to my doctor down at the hospitalHe said, "Son, it says here you're twenty-seven,But that's impossibleCocaine you look like you could be forty-five"

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