Friday, August 18, 2023

They're selling postcards of the hanging

 They’re painting the passports brown

The beauty parlor is filled with sailors
The circus is in town  (Dylan)

sometimes this world feels like i am watching a train collision about to slow motion....and we ask ourselves "if we can see it so clearly, why can't they? " The only answer i can come up with is that they do see it, but they want it to happen for some alterior motive.

NYC is moving ahead with their plans to tax people for entering the island of Manhattan in a private vehicle. This is in addition to the regular tolls/Taxes paid for coming across the GW or the Holland, Lincoln, or Battery (Fuck Hugh Carey, it will always be the battery) tunnels. In some cases, during the peak daytime hours; that tax is as high as $26. 

Make no mistake about it, this Congestion pricing will certainly turn the crossroads of the Universe into Desolation Row.

I saw some Sally Jewbroad holding a rally at city Hall yesterday screaming into a Bullhorn about this will save the environment by reducing the # of cars and at the same time provide much needed funding for Mass Transit......well, it can't do both.......if it does force all of these drivers to take the train...well then there will be no revenue raised through congestion pricing to go towards Mass transit......but hey , why let facts ruin a Thursday afternoon protest.
She went on screaming about increased Bike Lanes and faster bus service....i was waiting for her to say that all the people that continued to drive should be forced to wear a Yellow Star on their clothing like the Jews in Nazi Germany.
Of course the unintended (or perhaps intended) consequence is that if your plan is successful and you force people to STOP driving into Manhattan....there is no guarantee that they will take mass transit. After all,  it is a crime ridden toilet bowl of an island that stenches of marijuana, and maybe , just maybe, some of the folks from the outer boroughs and New Jersey will say thanks but no thanks..... wanna go see a play ? no thanks
wanna go see the Rangers ? no thanks
wanna meet in midtown for drinks ? no thanks

There already is a revolt happening in the business communities post pandemic....the workers do NOT want to return to the office about in a few months when they will either have to take NJT, LIRR and or the subway or spend half their checks on is that going to play out. If you don't think that major corporations are at least having discussions about leaving Manhattan, then you are naive. 
Nothing happens overnight (except maybe packing a cooler) but this is definitely a game of Dominos...and when they start to fall they take everyone with them. And when the Exodus begins and more of the storefronts become vacant, and tax revenues shrivel up and die on the vine, and the streets and subways are like ghost towns....what happens then ? don't think too hard, just take a look at San Francisco.      2+3=Beeer

And the only sound that’s left
After the ambulances go
Is Cinderella sweeping up
On Desolation Row


Anonymous said...

You left out the best part - all of those congestion pricing tolls will go to the MTA, the biggest black hole there ever was. Sorry to say I am now boycotting going into Brooklyn, since they again raised the fare on the Verrazano (over $22 without EZPass, over $18 with!), as these go to the MTA also. (I will continue to go to Staten Island, since those go to the Port Authority, which is run a little better. But, I totally agree with all you have said in this piece - I haven't been in Manhattan since before the pandemic and doubt I will return. Time to have some of the Jack!!!

Anonymous said...


China flu



2 + 3 = beeer