Tuesday, March 24, 2009

move on

so that madcap funnyman david letterman runs a skit last night , the title is teleprompter Vs no teleprompter....funny stuff.....he shows an eloquent obama speaking a mistake free sentence and calls that segment teleprompter.......and then he shows footage of former President Bush bumbling and stumbling over his words...and of course that segment is no teleprompter.....yuk, yuk.

and the beat goes on......now that the President is off limits by their own choosing , these funnymen have lost more than half their material , but that won't stop them , they will continue to make the Bush Administration the butt of their jokes.....

remember all the one liners about the economy during the campaign by lettermen, leno, kimmel etc etc....not anymore....only the president can joke about the current state of affairs

maybe this is what they meant by transparency and change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am with you Cat---Maybe they can show The Chosen One on Leno disparaging the Special Olympics and post it as "No Teleprompter"--too bad Letterman hates Leno, so we won't see that one-- BDuff