Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Theres a Darkness of the Edge of SpoonyTown

they say the darkest is hour is just before the dawn,
but that little quip belies the fact that it's also pretty effin Dark at midnight.

translation......we got a long, LONG, way to go ......and it may not get worser (bayridge phonics word) but don't hold yer breath for that daylight.

secondly ....how many chaps died during the cold war , only to have their sacrifices erased by this current "quid -pro-quo" with the Russians..........heres an alternative.....end your support of Iran or we'll pump a stimulus pakage worth of doe into building the sheild.......and then we can resume the chat.

I'll say it again.....Nemchinov was the only decent russian of the past 100 years....

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