Sunday, April 26, 2009

This is the last time I will ask you

where are the bad guys hiding young man ? ?

This is freakin laughable, we are so gonna get bombed again in the next few years, please someone hold these liberal skum accountable when the next shoe drops...

WASHINGTON -- The head of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Sunday she hopes public outrage over Bush-era interrogation methods subsides so Congress can calmly investigate the issue.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein , a closet lesbian and manhater, said she wants congressional hearings to move forward on the interrogation techniques. The memos detailed waterboarding, a simulated drowning tactic, and other techniques used on a captured suspected Al Qaeda leaders Abu Zubaydah and Khalid Sheik Mohammad.

The California Democrat said her committee already was investigating the methods detailed, but Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said he wants independent investigators to determine whether any Bush administration officials should be prosecuted.

"I have recommended that the Department of Justice select one or two or three people outside of the department who will have credibility, perhaps retired federal judges, who will make a recommendation to the Department of Justice as to whether or not anybody ought to be prosecuted on this matter or any other action ought to be taken against lawyers, for instance," Levin said on "FOX News Sunday."

He added that he objects to the idea that the interrogators who carried out the tactics should be the only ones prosecuted.

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